1.1.4 MAJOR

MAJOR UPDATE 1.1.4 - DON'T PRESS THE BUTTON IT BREAKS THE GAME! HOOKSHOT, 2 versions of Hookshot, Pull & Hurl, press 1 & 2 to choose version, made the first level prototype, charge shot faster, melee does less


fixed all gun animations, the cursor turns red when aiming at an enemy, charge shot is faster, glass breaks, secret teleporter

new enemy brunt, does 50 damage, fast, more health, fixed enemies phasing through walls, made enemies not go through doors

changed post-processing to neutral colors instead of cold, settings save, flashlight now gets activated with f+r,

better bullet lines, boss removed for now, more optimized, changed general shader to be more customizable,

shader adds vertex jitter at the cost for affine textures


FateOfGaz.rar 55 MB
Mar 15, 2022

Get Fate of GAZ

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